Saturday, December 12, 2009

Your e-mail was selected and won a lump sum of money

I got this email. Did you get it to.
from British Tobacco Promo
reply-to British Tobacco Promo

date Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 9:18 AM
subject Your E-mail Was Selected

hide details 9:18 AM (9 hours ago)
Send name,country,occupation to claim 1,000,000.00 in the tobacco promo


Did You Believe it ? Will you get this money? You'll never get this money because it is just an email scam. First of All, How can you win a lottery for which you have never take ticket or never had applied for? If you respond them , definitely they will tell you to pay any kind of payment such as courier charges. This is also another kind of crime on the Internet.

So never respond them.

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