Sunday, November 22, 2009

A virus called "Koobface" spread via facebook

 I got an email from my friend about a virus called "Koobface" spread via facebook.

here is the mail '“After receiving a message in their Facebook in-box announcing, "You look funny in this new video" or something similar, recipients are then invited to click on a provided link. Once on the video site, a message says an update of Flash is needed before the video can be displayed. The viewer is prompted to open a file called flash_player.exe.

A new mass-mailing virus targeting Facebook users directs victims to a site asking to download a Trojan masked as an Adobe Flash update.(Credit: McAfee Avert Labs)
Schmugar said the prompt for a new player should be a warning. "The messages you tend to get from these sites don't look quite right." For instance, IE will tell you where the update is coming from, and usually it's not an Adobe site.

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I also think virus could be spread via facebook. Because facebook is very popular and intersting social networking website. So becareful when using Facebook.

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